Rachel Tokarski Photography

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TEDx GrandviewAve

I have been watching TED talks since my freshman year of college. If you haven't seen any of the TED talks, I suggest you go to the website as soon as you are done looking at this post! I say it that way because once you listen to/watch one, you will spend the rest of the day listening to inspiring talk after inspiring talk. I will take this moment to share one of my favorites, Matt Cutts: Try something new for 30 days. I can relate to this specific talk right now because since seeing it, I have been inspired. I am currently on day 6 of "Trying something new for 30 days." I can't share what that "something new" is just yet, but you can expect an update at the end of the month.

​TEDx, the "x" standing for "independently organized," is a program created by TED to bring local people together to share that same TED experience. This year I was a part of TEDx GrandviewAve in Pittsburgh and have photos to share from the event. I want to give a big thank you to the founder, Kacey Wherley, and everyone involved for asking me to photograph this incredible event in the city of Pittsburgh.

Kacey Wherley, ​Founder, Director
​(See the TEDx GrandviewAve website to check out ALL of the volunteers.)
​​Paul Burke, ​Managing Partner, co-founder, Thinktiv - Onstage Host

Rory Varrato, ​Graduate Student, School of Politics and Global Studies, Arizona State University
​​Nicki Zevola, ​CEO, FutureDerm
Matthew Keener, MD​, ​Adjunct Assistant Professor, University of Pittsburgh, CEO and founder, Emodt health design
Justin McElhattan​, ​President and Chief Executive Officer, Industrial Scientific Corporation
Christine Mondor, ​ AIA, LEED AP, Principal, evolveEA
John K. Fetterman, Mayor, Braddock, PA
Jia Ji, ​Serial Social Entrepreneur, Founder, Couchange
Erika E. Forbes, Ph.D.​, ​Associate Professor of Psychiatry and Psychology, University of Pittsburgh
Don Charlton​, ​Founder and CEO, The Resumator

The Pillow Project also performed.

​The afterparty, sponsored by Urbanist was held at the art gallery, SPACE on Liberty Avenue. I took a few photos of what the local vendors were offering!